KD Lunch and Learn: Legal Impact for Employers and Businesses in Today’s World
Join LMHQ and Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck for this Downtown Lunch-and-Learn to receive updates around employment and business law issues. Lunch will be provided.
June 19, 2018
12:00 – 1:30
150 Broadway
20th Floor
New York, NY 10038
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As businesses continue to innovate and grow, the legal impacts of their strategies and decisions evolve, too. We’ve seen major progressions in employment law impacting management of companies large and small on a daily basis – from what can be asked of prospective employees in hiring, to legally-required harassment training in the #MeToo era, to guidelines for paying interns, and so much more. Businesses face other growing legal risks, including cyber security liabilities, expanding consumer protection laws, and the ever-present need for insurance to cover professional and corporate liability exposures. This program will provide updates on the current legal landscape and help business leaders think about these issues as they continue to navigate and grow in the current world.
11:45-12:00: Check-In + Refreshments & Lunch for Program
12:00-12:10: Introductions to Panelists & Topics
12:10-12:45: Employment Law Update
12:45-1:20: Corporate & Professional Legal Issues
1:20-1:30: Q&A
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