How will Trump’s ‘Buy American, Hire American’ executive order impact construction? Construction Dive ft. Andrew Richards
Andrew Richards, Co-Managing Partner at Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP in Long Island, was quoted in an article written by Kim Slowey for Construction DIVE, (April 25, 2017) –
She wrote:
In the latest of a series of executive orders signed since his inauguration, President Donald Trump has again chosen that method as a way to affect policy in the U.S. Unlike some other executive orders that aim to streamline project schedules and cut red tape, however, the “Buy American and Hire American” measure could put more restrictions on the construction industry.
Owners are going to have to start testing steel,” said Andrew Richards, chairperson of the construction group at Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck. “If they don’t do that, people are going to keep doing what they’re doing.”
For the industry in general, Richards said that tightening up sourcing rules would only create production delays and skyrocketing material prices. “I think it’s going to hinder projects,” he said. “You’ve got to get these mills in America producing a lot more steel.”
Read more at the full article.